Medicine & Health Science– Academic Writing
PhD, Master’s & Authors / Publishers
The US& UK medical writers at PhD Assistance aim to impart knowledge in students and build their confidence to submit their medicine academic writing successfully.

Medicine & Allied Health Dissertation (Thesis), Assignments, Manuscript Writing & Editing Services
Our experts are professional medical and scientific writers with highest qualification from the UK. The decades of experience they have in writing and editing is vital in shaping the career of medical students and allied health professionals (post doctoral fellowships or jobs)
We use subject-specific language, exemplary presentation that demonstrates clear, original, logical, imaginative and creative.
We exhibit integration and application to professional practice of knowledge.
Medicine & Allied Health Writing from qualified Expert
It is the art dealing with the prevention, diagnosis, alleviation and treatment of diseases with curative drugs to maintain health. Both in health science and biomedical research medicine is applicable. This specialized discipline concentrates on diagnosis and non-surgical treatment of a particular organ or the entire body. Internal medicine has subdisciplines such as cardiology, critical care medicine, endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, hematology, hepatology, infectious diseases, nephrology, oncology, pediatrics, pulmonology and rheumatology. Across the globe internal medicine is a mandatory course in Bachelor of Medicine and surgery courses. Medicine is a fascinating field for career, however, the job is highly challenging. The ultimate purpose of saving a patient is indeed a noble deed.
Medicine & Allied Health Professionals at Ph.D. Assistance assures you the quality
Medicine and allied health is a vast field with several rules, amendments and codes. It may be taxing for students. Medical writing requires extensive study of medical books, magazines, references that are translated into a well-structured dissertation with heading, subheading, introduction, body, conclusion with valid points of research. In order to make medical writing professional, the help of professional medical writers is the best. Our dissertation writing service covers all the contents and aspects of the study.
Our Writing Standards are exemplary with creativity and innovation and ensure link between theory and practice
School of pharmacy, school of nursing and midwifery, school of health and rehabilitation, medical education and medical science, humanities and social sciences, child care, dentistry, speech and hearing, optometry and ophthalmology, biomedical sciences, neurology, pathology, surgery, physical therapy, public health, engineering, veterinary medicine, obstetrics & gynecology, integrative& complementary medicine, dermatology and internal medicine.
Medicine and Health Science-
Get the perfect and flawless samples of Medicine & Health
Science writing from our expert writers.
Quality Assurance
We promise to attain high quality at every stage- Check of Quality Assurance & Enhancement Activities report
Plagiarism report
We are dedicated to deliver your document after correcting it with plagiarism detection tools such as Write Check or Turnitin or such advanced plagiarism tools.
Customer Interaction
We work in real-time and interact with every customer for modifications or any query related to your project and order delivery.
Why Ph.D. Assistance for Medicine & Allied Health writing and editing services?
The US & UK writers at PhD Assistance aim to impart knowledge in students and build their confidence to submit their dissertation successfully that includes Public Health Policy Analysis, case study of an organization, secondary data analysis, meta-analysis, systematic review, study of a specific intervention or event, reflection based dissertation.

A Dissertation Writing Service features that helps to get the grade
We extend help in systematic literature reviews, piece of qualitative or quantitative research, clinical audit, service evaluation and business case. Medical research areas include cancer, cardiovascular, metabolic, nutritional sciences, cellular and developmental systems, evolution, systems and genomics, infection, immunity, inflammation and repair, neuroscience and mental health, platform sciences and technologies, population health and ecosystems. Depending upon your area of interest, research gap and feasibility of data collection medicine and health science dissertation topics are selected. We offer answers to all the questions you have in your mind. We also make you strong in your dissertation. The entire process includes data collection, statistical analysis and presentation of the dissertation in a format prescribed by the respective institute. The final process is the review and proof reading of the master’s thesis to ensure the quality of work.
Your Choice of Primary or Secondary Research
We aid you in collecting primary and secondary data collection through library research and internet searches. Interviews with chief respondents, focus group discussion guide, questionnaire and observation are other parts of data collection. We provide theoretical justification for the chosen methodology rather than arguing over lack of time or financial resources as reasons for limiting the research. The selected methodology will be customized to attain the research results which will be substantiated with reference or argument. The chosen methodology is apparently the best for the particular research question.

Your Choice of quantitative or qualitative or Triangulation methodologies
We aid you identify the correct research methodology for your medicine and health science dissertation that depends on the theoretical framework or a conceptual framework and the research question. The jurisprudential basis of your research and the theorist and school of thought to follow will receive our expert guidance. We deal with topics such as cardiac, peripheral vascular, immunology, allergy, connective tissue, diseases by body region, critical care, emergency medicine, geriatric, gynecology, industrial medicine, hematology, infectious diseases, nutrition and dietetics, orthopedics, urology, nephrology, oncology, respiratory system, sports medicine, tropical medicine, military and naval medicine, transportation medicine, physiology and many more.
Development of Questionnaire or Interview questions
We aid you in a variety of services right from the selection of a dissertation topic till the completion of writing the master’s dissertation and achieving the desired grade. Depending upon your area of interest, research gap and the feasibility of data collection UK MBA thesis topics are selected. We provide answers to all the questions you have in your mind. We also make you strong in your dissertation. The entire process includes data collection, statistical analysis and presentation of the dissertation in a format that is prescribed by the respective institute. Eventually the thesis is subjected to review and proof reading to ensure the quality of work.

Medicine & Health Sciences - Writing & Editing Features
We offer help in submitting a plan of the dissertation (proposed structure/main argument), progress, a sample of dissertation writing to their supervisor in adherence to the style of reference- Draft would evidently exhibit imagination, creativity, critical insights and analytical rigor.

Sources, Citation and Presentation
We aid you identify a wide range of primary and secondary resources in accordance with the Scientific Style Guide(e.g. American Medical Association Manual of Style) that includes the Harvard Scheme, Vancouver Referencing Style Guide, Patrias K, Citing Medicine: the NLM Style guide, End Note Guide etc. Our formatting and referencing team is well-versed in citations including books, reported cases (Australia/UK), published and unpublished papers, government and private publications, discussion papers/ reports, press releases, citing newspaper/magazines, world wide web www site. The databases we use include PubMed, Medline (Ovid Medline), Scopus, TRIP, SPORTDiscus, NLM gateway, Embase, Biosis, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Informit Health, JSTOR, Academic Search complete, SciFinder, Dentistry and oral science, Psychinfo, CINAHL (midwifery, nursing, occupational therapy).
Scientific Style & Argument
The styles rules we follow include short and long quotes, edited quotes, errors or discriminary terms in quoted passages, ellipsis, interpolations, dates, times, abbreviations, numbers, fractions, decimals and footnotes. We write your dissertation in an argumentative manner with logical and coherent construction. The dissertation will be substantiated by primary and secondary sources. Our medical writers are capable of writing a clear, complete and concise dissertation making a distinction between original data and ideas from other scholars. Following EASE guidelines our dissertation is plagiarism-free. We check the document with the help of various plagiarism detection softwares such as Viper, ithenticate, cross check, eTBLAST, Safe Assign, WCopyFind, check for plagiarism, grammarly and at times in Google. We also apply DelphiS keyword search by using subject specific database.
Free while you order dissertation
We help to develop questionniare or interview guide at free of costs while you order for dissertation. We also provide,
- Appendices
- Abstract
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Content
- Lists of Charts, graphs, Illustrations
- Formatting
- Frequently asked questions (questions that may arise while writing the dissertation)
- Personal statement for your research proposal
- Bibilography (a brief annotation on key primary text)